Animal Bowen Therapy
Equine Bowen Therapy
Equine Bowen Therapy works through the body via the central nervous system transmitting messages from the body to the brain in order to commence the process of bringing the body back into its natural state of balance, and ultimately promoting a return to health. It possesses the innate capability of addressing an extensive range of conditions, which ultimately focuses on caring for the whole body, and facilitating the responses necessary that work upon all the crucial function systems of the body.
It actually addresses the cause or origin of any issue, and not the resulting symptoms. In essence, it works WITH the body and not against it, and the healing procedure commences from the inside.
Bowen addresses all soft tissues (muscles, ligaments, tendons and fascia) it also has a profound effect on the skeleton, internal organs, lymphatic system, meridians and acupuncture/acupressure points as well as releasing trigger and stress points. Bowen therapy is a vibrational therapy that encourages the body to balance.
Bowen Sessions Last From 15min - 60min
Having a Treatment
There are frequent but very essential pauses throughout the session that allows the body time to respond and begin the healing process.
The technique addresses not only musculoskeletal framework, but also the fascia, nerves and internal organs. The body’s integrated response improves circulation and lymphatic drainage and aids in the assimilation of nutrients and elimination of toxins.
Ideal for many conditions
- Unlevelness, disunited gait or irregular action
- Uneven wear of shoes
- Muscle atrophy or uneven development
- Stiffness on one rein
- Cold back or sore back
- Sluggish lymphatic system
- Weak immune system
- Uncharacteristic change of temperament or deterioration of performance
- Injuries
- Poorly fitted saddles
- Lactic acid restrictions
- Sore back
- General soreness
- Girthing problems
- Lameness
- Reluctance to centre
Client Information Form
Please download and complete the Client / Patient Case Form and bring along with you to your first appointment.
A little about Bowen
Bowen Therapy is a gentle, non-intrusive hands on therapy which stimulates the body’s inner ability to heal itself to be activated. This reorganisation of the musculature of the body can bring increased energy levels and pain relief.
As a soft tissue therapy, it “disturbs” the fascia or connective tissue, the therapist uses fingers and thumbs in a rolling action over specific muscles, tendons and ligaments, its holistic treating the whole body and generally a pleasant and relaxing experience.